12 Logo Zodiak Untuk Mendefinisikan Karakter Anda

Dari postingan sebelumnya, saya membicarakan tentang Piala Dunia. Tapi sekarang saya berbicara tentang Logo Zodiak. hehehe...rada gag nyambung. Tapi nggak apa - apa lah ... yang penting posting. haha..
Langsung aja nie, tapi sebelumnya maap, info di bawah ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Jadi silahkan Anda translate sendiri yah...hehehe (pisss !) :

Aquarius – The Water Bearer

January 20 -February 18
Your element: Air
Life Aim: To understand life’s mysteries
Secret Desire: To be original and unique

Pisces – The Fish

February 19 -March 20
Your element: Water
Life Ambition: To avoid feeling alone and instead feel connected to others and the world at large
Secret Desire: To live their dreams and turn fantasies into realities.

Aries – The Ram

March 21 -April 19
Your element: Fire
Life Ambition: The thrill of the moment
Secret Desire: To lead the way for others.

Taurus – The Bull

April 20 -May 20
Your element: Earth
Life Ambition: Emotional and financial security
Secret Desire: To have a safe, joyful and wealthy life.

Gemini – The Twins

May 21 -June 20
Your element: Air
Life Ambition: To explore a little bit of everything.
Secret Desire: To be ahead of the rest

Cancer – The Crab

June 21 -July 22
Your element: Water
Life Ambition: Constant reassurance and intimacy
Secret Desire: To feel safe emotionally, financially and spiritually.

Leo –The Lion

July 23 -August 22
Your element: Fire
Life Ambition: To lead the way
Secret Desire: To be a star

Virgo – The Virgin

August 23 -September 22
Your element: Earth
Life Ambition: To do the right thing
Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Libra – The Scales

September 23 -October 22
Your element: Air
Life Ambition: To be consistent
Secret Desire: To live an easy, uncomplicated life.

Scorpio – The Scorpion

October 23 -November 21
Your element: Water
Life Ambition: To survive against all opposition
Secret Desire: To triumph

Sagittarius – The Archer

November 22 -December 21
Your element: Fire
Life Ambition: To live the good life
Secret Desire: To make a difference in the world

Capricorn – The Goat

December 22 -January 19
Your element: Earth
Life Ambition: To be proud of their achievements
Secret Desire: To be admired by their family and friends and the world at large

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